Pilgrimage Hiking Trail Trial to Village Manhaval
In the heart of the mountains in the rural area of South France lies the picturesque village of Manhaval. It's a tight-knit community, where everyone knows each other. Nestled in the village, near the chapel, is a Gite, the new space we have recently gained access to for use during our pilgrimages. Time for us (Melissa, Marjolein & Alexia) to get familiar with the surroundings and route so we can offer incredible experiences during our pilgrimages (such as with DogTravel)
Our aim for this walk: exploring a new approved overnight accommodation for our pelgrimages. In this blog we will showcase our route, share the lessons we've learned, and offer personal insights.
We are not certified with bushcraft or survival skills; instead, we are women who choose to live in harmony with nature. This is our way of life. We are continuously learning as we go, embracing the outdoors as our primary way of living. Our goal is to have fun, learn, make each day memorable, and inspire others to do the same!

The Hiking Trail to Manhaval
La Forêt du Dragon is situated approximately 8km from Manhaval, making it easily accessible. Today, we went on a hike ourselves, without the animals. However, we can't wait to bring our whole herd! The neighbor of the Gite has kindly given us permission to let the animals graze on their land, and we're excited to see how they adapt here. This week, we'll purchase gear for Jo, our Pony, so he can also join us on our hiking adventure.
The route is stunning with amazing views to other mountains and through old pathways taking you away from civilization. The trees are full with green moss and you can hear the water running down the mountains. We even got surprised by a pack of cows saying "Hi" and were fortunate with two days of sunshine.
The Gite is absolutely amazing and equipped with everything you need. While we're accustomed to sleeping outdoors in our hammocks, it must be admitted that indoor sleeping is quite comfortable! With six sleeping beds, kitchen supplies, a shower, and toilets, it has everything you could ask for! Definitely wothwile and a hidden treasure amidst the mountains.
The art of walking
Here, in the mountains, walking is a quite common activity. However, in the hustle and bustle of our daily lives in the city, we often overlook the value of walking. Marjolein, too, didn't initially enjoy walking. She's always been more inclined towards high-intensity workouts. However, her perspective changed recently when she started walking longer distances and discovered the joy of including the animals. This added a whole new dimension to walking for her.
On the other hand, Melissa has always had a fondness for walking. Even back when she lived in the Netherlands, she would effortlessly stroll from one side of Amsterdam to the other, prompting people to ask her, "Why would you do that?" For Melissa, walking brings her back to the present moment. It encourages her to slow down and be fully present with her surroundings. Unlike packed agendas, there's no rush when you're walking. It allows you to take your time, something that our busy schedules often don't permit.

Teamwork makes it work
We're fortunate to share these experiences together as we complement each other. Marjolein is our fire-master, and Melissa takes care of the food. By dividing our duties, we don't have to carry everything alone; we distribute the weight and have distinct responsibilities. Sometimes, we may feel like we have to know everything individually, but in reality, working together as a team is much more beneficial!
During our hikes, we're always attentive to our surroundings and find ourselves asking, "Are these plants edible?" and "What kind of plants are these?". Marjolein is highly enthusiastic about learning more and more about this topic. As a child, she was already surprised to read about people dying during wars, being unaware of the deliciousness that could be found in the forests. Our knowledge is increasing daily and a continuous learning process. Unfortunately, during this season, there are fewer accessible options, but the seasons change rapidly, and nature will soon provide in abundance!
Plating games in the Gite
At the end of the evening, we gathered in the Gite and played a game of Rummikub, sparking memories for Melissa: "I used to play this game with my grandmother," she said. It made us reflect on how infrequently we play games nowadays. In the modern world, it's all too easy to turn on the television at the end of the day, which often distracts us from connecting with each other. Here, in the Gite, we step back in time. We appreciate this return to basics and the essentials. For us, this is what life's about.

Learning points during this hike
After each hike we pause to reflect: "What have we learned, and how can we improve next time?". Here are some key takeaways:
- We're in the process of learning which foods to bring without overpacking. For this one-night trip, we brought oats, couscous, nuts, and a few other small items. Food wasn't our focus this time, but it will be next time - just wait for it! We’re dehydrating and preparing meals beforehand.
- Melissa recently purchased barefoot hiking shoes, and she had to adjust to them. The 20 km hiking distance and heavily packed backpack were a bit much for the first time. Typically, when transitioning from traditional hiking shoes (such as Lowa), it's important to build up slowly to avoid injuries. However, despite the initial challenge, the barefoot shoes walk nicely and are very comfortable!
- This time, we definitely missed having some cheese and chocolate! A must have for the next trip, which will be next week (We're still women after all, haha!).
Conclusion of our hiking trail trial
We have certainly achieved our goal of exploration, and it's a significant success. The Gite is beautiful and equipped with all the luxuries one could need (especially for us, accustomed to sleeping outside).
We're already preparing for next week! Here the focus will be on bringing Jo, the pony, as he will need to do some proper training as well. Plus, we will bring nice food, stay one more night and make crafts. Our ultimate goal with La Forêt du Dragon is to achieve complete self-sufficiency within 5 years. Along the way, we're eager to acquire as many crafting skills as possible. So, who's ready to join us in learning how to make your own leather shoes?

Want to know more?
Have a look at our YouTube channel where we regulary post videos about our goat adventures. Of course, you can also reach out and get in touch with us personally. We love to connect with poeple who are just as interested in nature as we do.